Android Reverse Engineering

This course, Android Reverse Engineering, is meant to be a free comprehensive guide to Android Reverse Engineering (RE). I am writing this guide to help bring new users into the space, as well as share what I have learned while learning reverse engineering. At the time of this writing, March 2024, I have been learning reverse engineering for almost 2 years and recently began Android RE. During this journey, my good friend Kevin Thomas (@mytechnotalnet) recommended that I share my skills.

Before I start, I would like to thank a few of the people who helped me organize and write this information. First is Kevin, for encouraging me and giving me the idea to create this guide. Secondly, I would like to thank my research advisor Dr. Adwait Nadkarni for his mentorship and for providing me the resources to learn these skills and bring them to you. Thirdly, I would like to thank my parents for all their love and support while writing this series. They have done so much not only helping me to edit this guide but also helping to create the opportunity for me to learn what I am presenting in this guide. I would also like to thank Taylor Perry for her help in proofreading this guide and for being my moral support in this journey. Finally, I would especially like to thank all my friends and coworkers who introduced me to reverse engineering and helped me learn the skill that I always wanted to learn but was too afraid to.

With that said, let's get to the fun stuff. Join me on this journey while we learn a new skill and solve this amazing field's ever-growing challenges together. This is just the starting point for training the next generation of Cyber Security Professionals.

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